What’s the best way to take care of your adult braces in Windsor?

Depending on your outlook, wearing braces as an adult can be a positive or a negative experience. No matter why you need braces, you can now undergo teeth straightening and keep smiling with adult braces in Windsor.

Braces in WindsorAdult braces at The Old Windsor Dental Practice are discreet and versatile. Adult braces in Windsor are also easy to maintain and if you are unsure about how to take good care of them and protect them, our dentists can give you extra tips. And remember to schedule frequent appointments for cleanings and check-ups.

Be careful with the foods you eat

If you are having Invisalign braces, then you already know that you are not bound by any dietary restrictions. However, always make sure to remove your aligners every time you eat or drink anything than water. If you have fixed braces, your dentist may give you a list with things you can and can’t eat and it’s important to follow these guidelines in order to avoid expensive and painful damage to your brackets and wires. In general, stay away from sticky and hard foods and you will be safe. Also, it is advised to eat fewer sugary foods, whether you have braces or aligners, because you are more prone to cavities and tooth decay.

Protect your teeth when you are playing sports

If you are an athlete or have a job that puts your mouth at risk of getting hit, you may wish to consider a mouthpiece of other protection with the help of your dentist. Even if you wear Invisalign aligners, remember that they are not mouth protectors and they can get easily damaged if you get hit on the mouth. Your Windsor braces are strong but accidents happen.

Don’t try to fix things on your own

If you suspect that there is a problem with your braces or aligners, don’t try to fix it on your own because you will end up making things worse. Instead, contact your dentist and explain to them in detail what happened. They will be able to help you before your entire teeth straightening treatment is compromised.