Old Windsor Dental
12 June 2024

Modern Orthodontic Solutions Available at...

At Old Windsor, we are dedicated to bringing the latest orthodontic solutions to our patients in Berkshire. As a leading dental practice, we prioritise the use of advanced technologies and...

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Old Windsor Dental
07 August 2023

A journey through time: the...

Reflecting on humble beginnings, we never anticipated the booming popularity of cosmetic orthodontics. Even a few decades back, braces were stereotypically associated with awkward adolescence, far from the symbol of...

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Old Windsor Dental
04 August 2023

Embracing the journey to a...

Have you ever found yourself looking back on your childhood and wishing you had undergone orthodontic treatment? Perhaps you've been carrying around the belief that the window of opportunity for...

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Old Windsor Dental
10 July 2023

TMJ disorders: how invisible braces/orthodontics...

At Old Windsor, we're committed to educating our patients on various dental health topics. Today, we're focusing on Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders, a group of conditions that affect jaw movement...

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Old Windsor Dental
05 June 2023

We can help you gain...

If you're looking for a way to get straighter teeth without the metal braces of old, then invisible braces/orthodontics Berkshire may be the perfect solution for you. These braces are...

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Old Windsor Dental
02 June 2023

Improving your oral health with...

If you're considering getting invisible braces/orthodontics Berkshire, with us at Old Windsor dental surgery, you may be wondering how this type of treatment can improve your oral health. Here are...

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Old Windsor Dental
13 June 2022

What orthodontics in Berkshire can...

In 2022 we’re under more pressure and scurininty than ever, we’re expected to be successful at work, at home and socially, and on top of this we’re now constantly attached...

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Old Windsor Dental
07 July 2021

What you should know about...

Our smile is considered to be one of the most noticeable facial features however many of us are not happy with our smile and would like to improve it in...

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Old Windsor Dental
08 June 2021

Orthodontics Berkshire at Old Windsor

More and more adults are looking for ways to improve their smile. One way of doing this is by undergoing orthodontic treatment. At our practice, Old Windsor we understand the...

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Old Windsor Dental
08 October 2020

What are orthodontics in Berkshire?

Orthodontics are a type of dentistry that essentially aims to amend misalignment of the teeth. This could be front protrusion of the teeth, (also commonly referred to as an overbite),...

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