The originals

Do you have a problem with your bite? Do your upper and lower teeth arches fit together neatly, or are they out of alignment? Do you have crooked, crowded or gapped teeth?

braces-in-windsorHere at the Old Windsor Dental Practice, we offer braces in Windsor to patients with these sorts of conditions. We have a range of options available, but in this article, we are going to look at using fixed metal braces in Windsor to correct the bite.

These traditional-style braces don’t have a great reputation because of the way they look when in place on the teeth. Especially as you can now get discreet and clear braces in Windsor. However, for certain conditions they are still the best way to go. And the good news is that because of advances in dental technology, these fixed braces are smaller and more comfortable than those of old.

How do fixed metal braces in Windsorwork?

They use a series of brackets and wires to pull the teeth into position over time. One bracket is bonded to each tooth, so as it moves, so does the tooth. A wire is threaded through the brackets and pulls them along until the teeth reach the desired position.

How does the treatment work?

First of all, we will assess you to see which type of brace is suitable for you. To do this, our braces in Windsor dentist, Dr Emmett Hegarty, will take impressions, x-rays and photographs of your mouth, teeth and jaws.

The brackets are then bonded to each tooth and the wire strung through them. Emmett will advise you on how to take good care of your brace and how to maintain good oral hygiene throughout the treatment. You will also come in for regular checks and adjustments as treatment progresses.

After the braces work is complete, you’ll need to wear a retainer to hold the teeth in their new positions.

Lasting effects

It can take up to 2 years for treatment with braces in Windsor to complete, but the effects last a lifetime. Straighter teeth not only look great but are also easier to clean and keep free of decay-causing bacteria.