Implants at any age

Why might you need to have dental implants in Windsor? There are several reasons. It could be that you lost a tooth or two while playing sport: perhaps a face plant out on the BMX track, an elbow in the face during a rugby scrum or a well-timed punch in the boxing ring. You may have been unlucky enough to fall on a slippery pavement and crack off a tooth, or to have a genetic pre-disposition to thin tooth enamel. Perhaps you have diabetes or a heart condition. Or, maybe it’s just from the process of eating, drinking and ageing.

Dental Implants in WindsorWhatever the reason, dental implants in Windsor are a highly functional way to replace lost teeth. While we may associate tooth loss with old age, as you can see from the list above, it can happen at any point in life, and any adult patient can be considered for treatment with dental implants in Windsor.

Why dental implants in Windsor?

So why opt for dental implants in Windsor over other forms of tooth replacement? Every treatment has its function and for some cases, replacing with a simple crown, bridge or denture is the way to go. However, it’s always worth considering implants because of the advantages they have over other methods.

Implants are the only way to replace the lost root of the tooth, as well as the crown. Most of us are concerned to replace the visible part of the tooth so we no longer have a gappy smile. But replacing the hidden part has benefits too. It means that full biting and chewing power is restored; something you don’t get from replacing the crown alone. So, no need to go onto a restrictive diet.

Implants also help to restore the jawbone. The bone loses density when the root goes, and the face begins to sag. Implants encourage new bone growth and help to maintain the structure of the face. No one wants their jawbone to start dissolving, especially if you’ve lost teeth while young.

Find out more

Call into Old Windsor Dental Practice today and talk to our implant dentist. Find out if dental implants in Windsor are the right solution for you.