General dentistry: when to call the emergency dentist

Dental emergencies can happen to anybody, at any time of the day or night. They can be both painful and frightening, and the most important thing to do is get in touch with an emergency dentist as soon as possible after the emergency occurs. Prompt intervention is key to successful treatment.

emergency-dental-careAttending regular general dentistry appointments for check-ups can help minimise your risk of experiencing an emergency situation, but at Old Windsor Dental Practice we know that even those of us with excellent dental health can experience unfortunate accidents. Therefore, we offer same day emergency dentist appointments to all patients.

The first priority at any emergency dental appointment will be to get you out of pain. Depending on the nature and severity of your emergency, it may be necessary to attend further follow-up appointments to fully complete your treatment. However, we always endeavour to get you out of pain at the first visit.

Below are some common dental emergencies, along with what your Old Windsor emergency dentist may do.

Unbearable toothache

Pain is our body’s way of telling us something isn’t right, and dental pain can be severe. It is often an indicator of infection or advanced decay.

Toothache should never be ignored – if it is bearable with the help of over-the-counter painkillers, you should book the next available appointment with your dentist. If it is unbearable, it is time to call the emergency dentist.

Your dentist will establish what is causing the pain. If it is caused by decay, your dentist may be able to remove this and fill the tooth at one appointment. If infection is the reason, you may require follow-up appointments for root canal treatment to fully cure the condition.

Knocked out tooth

Sometimes you can put a knocked out tooth back in the socket yourself – clean it with saliva if necessary and carefully try to put it back, then bite down on a clean paper towel and come to see the emergency dentist.

Never try to force the tooth back in, and never try to reinsert a child’s milk tooth. If your dentist can put your tooth back they will strap it to surrounding teeth for support, whilst if they can’t you will need follow-up appointments for tooth replacement options.