The benefits of Invisible braces in Windsor

Thanks to ongoing improvements in the dental industry, there are now more ways we can help you improve your smile. More high-tech treatments have become fairly common, like a custom fitted brace. In fact, we have a lot of patients booking appointments with us for invisible braces in Windsor, as a great solution to their dental needs.

Braces in WindsorWhat are they?

The procedure is pretty self-explanatory, but here’s a brief summary for those that haven’t heard of this before. It essentially involves the fitting of a specially moulded brace that your dentist will use to slowly correct crooked teeth. A gentle amount of pressure is placed over the teeth, over a long period of time, in order to realign them, and you may need to come back in for a separate appointment for a new fitting of your braces in Windsor, so as to match your changing teeth.

The fitting process

The method of having them fitted is where things start to get interesting. Normally the procedure will involve a consultation meeting, and then your dentist will use a laser or LEDs to map out the layout of your teeth. This is done to ensure the brace fits correctly, yet still applies pressure at the right points along your mouth.

After the scanning is complete, a 3D image will be created, and this will be used to show you how your teeth will be realigned. A fun bonus of this stage is that you get to see how your straightened smile will look. Then a brace will be moulded, and you just have to wear it for as long as you’re instructed to, it’s that simple!

At Old Windsor Dental Practice, our team will ensure the fitting process is quick, easy and involves minimal discomfort to you at all times.

Are there benefits?

There are numerous advantages to using this type of treatment, which is why it has become so popular with our patients. The biggest benefit is that because the appliance is see-through, you won’t have to feel self-conscious about wearing it out and about.

Second, is that it’s incredibly easy to keep clean. We recommend that you use a small diluted amount of bleach mixed with water, then lightly brush this mixture over the appliance at least once every other day. Regular cleaning helps to get rid of built up bacteria and reduce staining.

Aftercare advice for patients

Once you leave our practice, there are a few things to keep in mind at home, in order to ensure your realignment goes smoothly and your appliance lasts.

There may be some discomfort over time, as the brace applies what our patients call “pressure” on the teeth. We recommend painkillers when necessary, to counter this, or short removal of the appliance. Although, if you do plan on taking it out, try to limit it to a few hours as it needs to be kept in place at least 22 hours a day. Also, when it’s removed, try to keep it in a hard-bodied container, as this will prevent accidental damage, as well as allowing the appliance to remain relatively sterile.

Hopefully this has helped to clear up a few facts about this unique treatment. If you’re looking to straighten up your smile, then try asking us about your options for realignment on your next appointment.