Considering dental implants?

Have you lost your teeth due to an accident? Do you struggle to smile in pictures because you are conscious people will see? Or maybe you have lost a tooth due to the erosion of tooth enamel. Whatever the case may be, our practice Old Windsor can help restore your smile by offering you one of our treatments, dental implants in Berkshire.

Dental Implants in BerkshireWhat are dental implants?

Dental implants are small screws usually made out of titanium which are placed in the jawbone where there should be a tooth. Considered to be a replacement tooth root, they provide a stable foundation for a replacement tooth or teeth to be fixed which are made to match the natural shape and shade of your remaining teeth.

Are dental implants suitable for me?

If you are interested in our dental implants in Berkshire, the dental professionals at our practice will assess whether this treatment is suitable for you. Our patients should have enough bone to hold the implant and healthy gums. Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is also important alongside regular visits to the dentist to ensure that the implants last as long as possible.

How does it work?

Dental implants require more than one surgical procedure and it can be a process that takes many months from start to finish. Under a local anaesthetic, our oral surgeon will make a small incision in your gum which exposes the bone. A hole is then drilled into the bone where the dental implant will be placed. As the implant will serve as a tooth root, it will be drilled quite deep into the bone to ensure that it is sturdy and secure for the replacement tooth.

Before the permanent tooth can be fixed on to the metal screw, the jawbone will have to fuse with the surface of the implant in order to provide a solid base for the replacement tooth. As this is a process that can potentially take several months, a temporary tooth is placed in the gap for aesthetic purposes while the jawbone unites with the top of the implant. Once the gum has healed, our dentist will take an impression of your remaining teeth which will be used to make the new implant crown. Once the replacement tooth has been made, it will be placed under sterile conditions at our practice. The whole process can take between six to nine months, but this is dependent on how many teeth are being replaced and the healing period for each patient.

After the placement surgery, you may experience some discomfort such as swelling or small bruising in the gum. If this is the case, it is recommended that you take painkillers or ibuprofen to treat the pain. The discomfort should only last a day and you should expect to resume normal activities such as work on the following day.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants are considered to be very durable and can last for many years. They can also improve your speech and allow you to eat your favourite foods without any worry about your teeth falling out. Dental implants are also made to look like your natural teeth.

So if you are ever looking to have dental implants in Berkshire, visit Old Windsor Dental Practice where we will be able to provide a service that will leave you satisfied.