Prevention is always better than cure

Dental hygiene is at the root of everything we do here at Old Windsor Dental in Berkshire.

We see this as the very foundation of preventive dentistry, because poor oral hygiene leads to the build-up of plaque. This sticky substance clings to the teeth and harbours bacteria. The bacteria, though harmless in themselves, feed on the sugars in our food and drink, and then excrete acids, which start to dissolve the enamel of the teeth only 20 minutes after eating or drinking.

dental-hygiene-in-BerkshireHoles in the tooth enamel allow the inside of the tooth; the dentine and the pulp, to start to decay, and that can lead to infection, possible tooth abscesses, and then all sorts of dental work, such as tooth extraction and false teeth. This is why we are so keen that all our patients attend regular appointments for dental hygiene.

When you come to see our dental hygienist, Elaine Morgan, she will inspect your teeth thoroughly to see how much plaque needs to be removed, and if there any other risks that you need to be made aware of. Then, she will scale and polish your teeth. Once your teeth are clean and shiny again, you will be shown how best to brush, how to use floss and also how to use inter dental brushes.

Visits to the hygienist are especially important if you have crowns, bridges or dental implants, which require special care if you want them to last,to keep them clean and free of stuck food, which can greatly encourage the build-up of plaque.

Elaine has been working in dentistry since 1990, and has been working in dental hygiene in Berkshire at our practice since 2000. There isn’t much Elaine doesn’t know about dental hygiene, so please feel free to ask her anything you like. It is far better to ask what may seem like stupid questions than to lose a tooth to avoidable decay and infection.

We recommend patients to come in for appointments for dental hygiene twice a year. We are open all week and also on Saturdays, to make it easier for those in full-time work to book an appointment.