Looking for a family dentist? General dentistry in Berkshire

When you move to a new area, one of the first things to establish is registration with a doctor’s surgery and a dental practice. This is particularly important if you have children or if you have undergone extensive dental work in the past.

General Dentistry in BerkshireAll dental practices often have a mix of restorative dental professionals alongside those practicing general dentistry in Berkshire. As the name suggests, general dentistry does not involve cosmetic work, restorative surgeries or orthodontic work.

Everyday dentistry is important as it can identify potential issues you may have and resolve dental emergencies when they occur. At Old Windsor Dental, we offer both general and cosmetic surgery, to keep your mouth in top condition and looking great too.

What is meant by general dentistry?

General dentistry in Berkshire is a term used to describe a group of everyday dental techniques and procedures that can be performed by any dentist. When you attend your dentist to have your bi-annual check-up, that is a type of general dentistry.

There are many other services that fall under this umbrella term.

Root canal treatment

A root canal is performed when the pulp of a tooth becomes infected through either injury or decay. These types of infections can lead to an abscess forming under the tooth which is extremely painful. If you can make it through the pain of the abscess without seeking treatment, chances are it will recur, and you may need to have the tooth extracted.

Emergency dental care

Following on from root canals, an abscess is considered a dental emergency as it may lead to sepsis. Other dental emergencies include lost or loose fillings, chipped or broken teeth and any unusual lumps or swellings appearing in your mouth, even if they are not painful to touch.

If you have any other unusual symptoms occurring with your gums or teeth, please contact us straight away.

Extractions/ Oral Surgery

In instances where there is extensive tooth decay or gum disease, dental extractions will need to be performed to prevent further pain or chance of infection. Similarly, some patients we see have impacted wisdom teeth that require removal, and this can be performed by a general dental surgeon too.

If you are worried about your wisdom teeth due to pain or swelling, please contact us straight away.

Jaw Pain

If you grind your teeth during the night, you may be suffering from a condition called temporo-mandibular joint disorder (or TMJ). This causes pain in the neck, jaw and can even cause headaches.

Concerned about jaw pain? Come and see us today.


You probably wouldn’t expect to have to visit your dentist when you are pregnant, but hormonal changes during this time can cause issues with calcium, which in turn can cause decay or cracked teeth. It is very important to keep an eye on oral health during this time for both your sakes!


Dentistry can stop snoring?

Yes! If you snore, our dentists can customise a series of oral devices or mouthpieces designed to help you and your partner get a good night’s sleep.

General dentistry in Berkshire is thriving at Old Windsor Dental in more ways than one!