Have you been told you need braces by your dentist? Different braces we offer at The Old Windsor Dental Practice

When a dentist says the word ‘brace,’ most patients run a mile, regardless of their age.

Although orthodontic braces are a common procedure throughout the UK, many suitable candidates for the treatment refuse to undergo it; leaving them with misaligned teeth and an unresolved worry that braces will be mentioned again in the future.

Braces in WindsorIt is an understandable worry. In the past, we all remember that one kid at school who got bullied for wearing the traditional, orthodontic brace and of course, we all want to avoid that happening to us.

Luckily, as dentistry has advanced in recent years, different types of braces have been developed, allowing more people to undergo orthodontic work with discreet, removable braces.

At Old Windsor Dental Practice, we can offer our patients a range of different braces in Windsor, tailored to help them resolve their misalignment quickly and effectively.

Different style of braces

There are many different types of braces in Windsor that our dental team can offer to our patients, many of them advanced in their physical appearance while also using more modern technology to straighten teeth. Many are designed to aid in the realignment of mild to moderate dental malocclusions, so may not be suitable for everyone.

Our braces in Windsor fall into three separate categories listed below.

Orthodontic braces

The traditional metal braces, orthodontic braces are the gold standard at correcting issues with bite and resolving more complicated tooth arrangements in the mouth.

Fixed with metal brackets to your teeth, these braces use metal wires to gently pull your misaligned teeth into the desired position, a procedure known as ‘tooth tightening.’

These braces may stay on for a few months or years, depending on the amount of treatment you require. Orthodontic fittings and tightening are usually performed by an orthodontist, with check-ups and hygienic cleans being undertaken by general dentists and hygienists.

Removable aligners

The most modern type of brace, removable braces are typically made from clear, malleable plastics, that are customised to fit over your teeth and use gentle pressure to realign the teeth. They are removable, but must be worn for at least 20 hours a day for you to benefit from wearing them.

One of the most popular removable aligners we offer our patients at Old Windsor is Invisalign, which uses computer technology and multiple, customised aligners to straighten mild to moderate misalignments.

Fixed aligners

More suited to younger patients whose teeth are developing, fixed aligners are minimal in appearance, with the brackets often being made from either clear or tooth coloured materials.

Similar to the orthodontic brace, fixed aligner braces use a system of brackets and wires to gently move the teeth into the required position through tightening of the wires, often before or after the patient has undergone orthodontic brace treatments.

Are you still worried about requiring treatment with braces? Don’t be, contact us today at Old Windsor to arrange an initial consultation.