Are you looking to restore your smile?

Have you recently lost a tooth? Perhaps you have lost a tooth due to an injury and you are looking for a way to replace it and restore your smile. Whatever the case may be, there are ways to replace a missing tooth through dental treatments within restorative dentistry. So if you are based in Windsor and are looking for a way to restore your smile, by visiting our practice Old Windsor, our experienced dentist will be able to advise on the best dental treatment option for you. dental-implants-windsor

Restorative dentistry

Restorative dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on treating dental problems, and can help you restore your teeth to their original form and function.

At our practice, Old Windsor, we offer treatments within restorative dentistry which can aid in doing this include dentures, crowns, bridges and root canal treatment. We are focused on providing high quality dental treatments for our patients keeping patient care at the forefront of our services.

If your main concern however is to replace a missing tooth, you may want to consider another restorative dental treatment option, which is dental implants in Windsor.

What are dental implants Windsor?

Dental implants are a great option for replacing missing teeth. They can be used to replace a single tooth, or multiple teeth and are considered to be a modern alternative to dentures.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots usually made of titanium which are inserted into your jawbone in the area where you are missing a tooth. Our dentist will create a small incision made in the jawbone under a local anaesthetic so you do not need to worry about experiencing any pain during the treatment.

Once this part of the procedure is completed, you will be asked to return to our practice in around six to eight weeks in order to allow the implant to fuse with the jawbone, in a process called osseointegration. A temporary crown may be placed on top of the implant whilst you wait for this process to complete.

At your second appointment, our dentist will fix a  permanent crown on the implant. The crown will be made to look like your remaining teeth so it will not be noticeable that you have an implant.

The benefits of having dental implants

There are many advantages to getting dental implants. Firstly dental implants are made to look and feel like real teeth, meaning no one will notice you have dental implants, meaning that your smile along with your confidence is restored.

Dental implants also provide better chewing ability than dentures and can be used with a wide range of foods. In addition, they are more comfortable than traditional dentures because they fit more closely to the contours of your mouth.

Dental implants are also very durable, lasting for many years before needing replacement or repair. When you compare this to other options like dentures which may need replacing every few years and crowns or bridges which require replacement every 10-15 years, you’ll see that dental implants offer a much longer lifespan for your smile.