What can you do about bad breath?

It’s awful when you know someone has bad breath. Do you tell them about it? Do you let them carry on regardless, knowing that people are keeping away from them? And what if you are that someone with bad breath and a colleague tells you about it? Chances are, you probably already know and have been gulping down the minty lozenges and squirting the fresh breath spray, and all to no avail.

Bad Breath in BerkshireIt’s a sign

What you need to do is take your bad breath to the dentist. Come to see us at Old Windsor Dental Practice in Berkshire and we can do our best to help you find out what is wrong and hopefully then put it right. Certainly, we will be able to eliminate a few of the most obvious things that could be to blame. We know you won’t want to, but if you book an appointment to see us, it’s best to turn up without having brushed your teeth or tried to freshen your breath in any way. How your breath smells can give an indication of what the problem is.

Check the hygiene routine

Bad breath and oral health are closely linked so the first thing to do is look at your oral health routine. We will have a look around in your mouth to see if you have got any food trapped that is rotting away unbeknown to you. We can also look for decay and gum disease, both of which can give people bad breath.

We will check your hygiene routine is up to scratch and suggest ways to improve it. If none of this makes any difference, we can go on to look for other possible problems.

Illness and infection

Infections of the respiratory system, such as a lung infection or an infection in the sinuses can also cause bad breath, so we can check for those.

Is it something you ate?

We can also take a look at your diet. Maybe you are eating something, such as onions or garlic, that is affecting your breath. If you are a smoker, there’s a good chance it could be smoking that is causing your problems.