Smiling with pride

A history of sucking dummies and thumbs can take its toll on your teeth, so much though that it can begin to affect their alignment. There are many reasons as to why you might have crooked or crowded teeth, but sometimes, it is just genetic or happens naturally. If you feel embarrassed and your smile is sacrificed, that’s when you know you need a solution.

In Windsor, braces are the answer to such worries. They serve to straighten your teeth, enhancing their appearance and make you forget that you ever stopped smiling.

Braces in WindsorWhile we provide teeth-straightening treatments at Old Windsor Dental Practice for cosmetic reasons, they also play a massive part in improving your lifestyle and oral health. Having a cross-bite or crooked teeth can cause you discomfort when you chew and bite on foods. It can also make it difficult for you to properly clean your teeth and look after your dental hygiene, leading to issues like gum disease and tooth loss.

The clear alternative to the traditional

It seems easy to ignore the option of braces in Windsor if you think they will get in the way of your confidence when going to work or attending a special occasion. For adults, traditional braces may not seem like an option. Thanks to advances in modern dentistry, we have teeth-straightening treatments at Old Windsor Dental Practice that are both flexible and nearly invisible.

Invisalign is an impressive way of straightening your teeth. It is a collection of clear aligners that will fit snugly over your teeth. The aligners you are given will not be universal, as they are unique to you and your teeth. You change your aligner every 7-10 days, knowing that with every switch, you will be getting closer to achieving your straighter and healthier smile.

Looking forward

By receiving braces in Windsor, you will be delving into a happy and healthy future of good oral health. They can improve both your quality of life and how you feel when you smile. By ridding your smile of big gaps, you can prevent complications that arise when plaque builds up.

At Old Windsor Dental Practice, we will welcome you into a warm and friendly environment.