Why should I replace missing teeth with dental implants?

Not only may you feel embarrassed about the condition of your smile when you have one or more missing teeth, especially in prominent areas, but there are many health benefits that you can enjoy when you have a completely functional and full set of teeth again.

Dental Implants in WindsorMissing teeth can negatively affect how you bite and chew, leading you to unconsciously alter your eating habits to suit your oral health rather than your physical needs. You may find that at the site of a lost tooth you feel pain, either from eating foods that get stuck and cut your exposed and sensitive gums, or because of infection that easily occurs due to the build up of bacteria in the socket.

Bad breath can also become an issue, something you may have never associated with your missing tooth or teeth. Other teeth can suffer as they are put under additional strain. They tend to shift and move to compensate for a lost tooth, which can leave them open to injury or even to lose stability in the jaw.

Over time, the jawbone begins to resorb when it is not stimulated by a tooth root. This can prematurely age the face, giving it a sunken look as well as lessening the density of your entire jawbone, leaving other teeth susceptible to issues.

Dental implants in Windsor are the only solution that allows for this stimulation to carry on after a tooth has been lost. Dentures unfortunately do not provide the right kind of stimulation that is needed to maintain jawbone density.

So by speaking with one of us today about having dental implants in Windsor, you can regain full functionality of your smile again and keep your smile healthy.

How are they placed?

It is a minor surgical procedure where a titanium rod is screwed into the jawbone at the precise location for maximum comfort and minimal healing time. The spot is pinpointed with the use of innovative digital scanners which we are proud to have access to.

This can all be done in the dentist chair under the strictest of sterile conditions to ensure that your implant has the highest likelihood of success. In fact, this treatment globally is well known for its high success and satisfaction rates, leading it to be one of the most popular treatments available today.

It will take several weeks to heal and several more months for complete fusion of the titanium rod to the jawbone to be completed. It depends on your personal situation whether we can attach a crown or a bridge to the titanium rod immediately or we wait until initial healing is completed before doing so.

Once your implant has healed, you can treat your new tooth normally, being able to bite and chew without concern.

We will be with you during every step of the process, including the all important aftercare to ensure that everything is progressing smoothly and seamlessly. By taking appropriate care of your implant, there is no reason why it should not last for a significant amount of time.