Why do I have bad breath?

Admitting and understanding why you have bad breath can be a little bit tricky. Having bad breath can make us feel really embarrassed, especially when we can’t see any obvious cause for it. For some people no matter how much they brush and clean they still spend their day feeling that funny taste in their mouth. So why do we get bad breath? And is there something we can do to stop it? Let’s take a look at how oral health and bad breath Berkshire are connected. oral-health

What’s causing your bad breath?

In the majority of cases we see, bad breath is in some way related to poor oral hygiene. And though at first this news can feel a little disheartening and embarrassing it’s actually great because nine times out of ten it’s a quick and easy fix. There are some other things that could be causing bad breath such as smoking, dry mouth, tonsillitis, acid reflux or even crash dieting. So it’s good to also talk to your doctor about your oral health and bad breath Berkshire to check there isn’t more than one cause.

How to help oral health and bad breath Berkshire

In the first instance, it’s important you come and see us at our dental practice, Old Windsor, so we can assess and see if there’s anything slightly more complicated going on. If it’s the case that you have developed early signs of gum disease – you will need to visit our hygienist for a scale and polish.

If once we’ve completed your check-up we can’t see any obvious causes of the bad breath, it will be up to you to try and address the issue yourself at home through brushing more – it could be that you aren’t brushing your teeth regularly or long enough and so aren’t getting rid of food debris. Alternatively it could be that you’re brushing at the wrong times. We recommend that you brush your teeth after you eat your breakfast and not before and just before you go to bed. If you’re experiencing bad breath it could be an idea to also start brushing at lunch time – after you’ve eaten.

How does food debris contribute to bad breath?

We’ve all been there, tucked into a delicious garlic bread or big bowl of garlic mushrooms. Having strong smelling breath just after you’ve eaten, especially with highly aromatic stuff like garlic, coffee or onion is common. When we chew our food little tiny particles get stuck between our teeth and get lodged there, and if they aren’t removed can begin to rot and smell. This is why it’s so important that alongside brushing, we are also flossing our teeth every day. Now, we want everyone to feel free to eat all the food they love, but just keep in mind that if you are trying to solve a bad breath issue, you would be super smart to carry a travel toothbrush with you and maybe even a miniature mouthwash and regular use of these will help combat bad breath long term.