What can cause you to have bad breath?

There are many different causes for bad breath Berkshire. Dental hygiene practices and diet choices can have a negative impact on the freshness of your breath. Eating foods such as onions and garlic can have this effect. Teeth that have gone a long time without being checked by a dentist or dental hygienist can also have an impact on the way your breath smells, as issues can arise without you noticing. Often bad breath can arise from an infection in the throat, nose and lungs. If you can isolate the cause of your bad breath then it may be easier to combat the issue head on. This article will take you through how you can tell if you do have bad breath, as well as how you can cure the issue of bad breath. Here at Old Windsor, we are committed to supporting all of our patients in their endeavours to combat any issues they have with their smile, even if that issue is bad breath.bad-breath-in-berkshire

How can you tell if your breath is less than pleasant?

Bad breath Berkshire is a common ailment amongst many different patients. It can be embarrassing and frustrating when you try to do all you can to remedy it. If you do not keep up with good dental hygiene practice then you could be at risk of having bad breath. You could have food trapped between the teeth which could release a nasty smell after some time. If you are a regular smoker you also are at risk of having poor smelling breath. You can rely on a support system to tell you if you have bad breath and then you can take active precautions to defend against this. We understand that this issue is highly personal and that is why we want you to be able to access the help that you need, to ensure that your mouth can be as healthy as possible and promote fresh breath. You should read on to discover what can be done to help this issue.

Can bad breath be cured?

The good news is, with the help of some good advice, you can massively improve your situation. The issue of bad breath Berkshire can be improved by following good dental hygiene practice. Cutting down on foods that have a large sugar component can also help you improve your breath. Maintaining a working relationship with your dental hygienist can allow you to maintain low levels of plaque and in turn have a positive impact on the freshness of your breath. If you have breath that is not as fresh as you would like it to be then you should consider getting in touch with us here at Old Windsor so we can begin to make your breath as fresh as it can be. We want all of our patients to be happy about the quality of their breath, this can allow you to be confident in social solutions instead of worrying about the reaction of others to your unhealthy dental situation. We can help you get on track for good oral health and gleaming teeth with the promotion of a cleaner mouth and strong gums.