The Old Windsor Dental Practice

Our practice was officially established in 1981, and existed as a branch practice before that, meaning that our practice is extremely well established in the community, and truly understands the people of Windsor. It was taken over by Utpalendu Bose in 2008, who had been working at the practice since 1996. Our philosophy of putting the customer first hasn’t changed since 1981, and we hope to continue in this way in the future.

Dental Implants in WindsorWhat we offer

We offer the majority of dental services, including minor dental work and check-ups. We also offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry, meaning that we are able to work on your appearance, and tailor it to achieve the smile that you have always wanted. If you are concerned about crooked or missing teeth, then we recommend a consultation, where we can advise you whether a set of braces will be the solution for you, or more radical treatment such as dental implants. If you are looking for dental implants in Windsor, then this is also a treatment that is available at our practice.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a replacement for a tooth, that works by removing the tooth entirely (unless there is already a gap) and replacing it with a prosthetic tooth. However, unlike dentures or bridges, a dental implant is placed into the bone of the patient via a titanium screw, making an implant extremely sturdy. Your dentist removes any root left, and then with precision, drills into the jawbone with the titanium screw. Fascinatingly, the bone will grow around the screw once it has been implanted, further solidifying the foundation of your new tooth.

When would I need a dental implant?

Dental implants are necessary when the entire tooth has been destroyed or is missing for whatever reason. A dental implant is needed to replace the entire foundation of the tooth, essentially starting again from scratch. However, we would advise you on the best course of action with a consultation, and we can guide you on whether dental implants in Windsor are the best option for you. Dental implants are also a good method for anchoring in dentures or bridges, so if you are missing one or several teeth, then we may recommend one of them being a dental implant.

Is the treatment painful or in any way risky?

We cannot say categorically that this treatment would be without any discomfort. However, as the implants are fitted under local anaesthetic, there should be no direct pain from installing the implants. If you are concerned about pain, then there are painkillers available at our practice. In terms of risk, we can assure you that our dentists are greatly experienced, which means there is no reason to be concerned with this treatment. Our implantologist Ian Sneddon has been fitting and restoring implants for over 25 years, making him one of the most experienced dentists to fit dental implants in Windsor.