Teeth you won’t remember aren’t yours

It may sound odd but people often find that once they have been fitted with replacement teeth on dental implants in Windsor, they can sometimes forget they aren’t their natural teeth. It’s unlikely that will ever happen to anyone wearing full or partial dentures, what with all the overnight soaking and pulling them out to rinse off bits of food that have got stuck under them.

Dental Implants in WindsorBut with dental implants in Windsor, from us at The Old Windsor Dental Practice, it’s a different story. Crowns on dental implants stay in your mouth once they have been fitted. They are screwed into the dental implants and the dental implants are embedded into your jaw.


They are held in place by new bone tissue. This grows all over the outer surface of the dental implants, which are tapered posts or screws made of titanium. Titanium has that effect on the body. It thinks this metal is body tissue and grabs onto it rather than rejecting it. Once the jawbone has integrated with the dental implants, they have all the chewing power of natural teeth, unlike dentures which only have about a quarter of the power.

Cleaning and maintenance

The great thing about this form of tooth replacement is that you can treat it like natural teeth. This means you just carry on with your diligent twice-daily 2-minute brushing routine, along with daily flossing and regular trips to the hygienist for a deep clean. What you are trying to do is make sure that there is no build up of plaque to cause gum disease. Gum disease is the big enemy of dental implants as it can attack and erode the bone surrounding the dental implant, causing it to loosen and fall out.

Can you have dental implants in Windsor?

It all depends on the strength and density of your jawbone. The best way to find out if your jawbone can sustain a dental implant is to come in for a consultation and let us take a look at your jawbone with x-rays and scans. If there is an issue, a bone graft or a sinus lift might solve it.