Taking care of oral health and bad breath in Berkshire

We teach our children about the importance of brushing their teeth to keep them clean, often leading by example and brushing our teeth alongside them. Doing this we can show them how to correctly clean their teeth, demonstrating to them that they need to brush both the upper and lower sets of teeth, as well as making sure they understand to brush the back teeth fully.bad-breath-in-berkshire

As we grow, we start to realise why cleaning our teeth is so important, as we only have one set of adult teeth, this may lead us to investigate other things we can do to ensure we maintain good oral hygiene. This should include regular visits to the dentist for check-ups, to allow our oral health to be monitored and any problems to receive treatment if required.

We want our patients to understand that Old Windsor dental practice is here to help them take care of any issues with oral health and bad breath Berkshire that they may be suffering from.

When brushing just isn’t enough

We understand that many of our patients try their best to take care of their oral health and bad breath Berkshire at home, but there may be times when the need for professional intervention arises. This should not be treated as a negative, as your oral health is a very complex matter that can be difficult to deal with on your own, making intervention by a dental professional a positive idea.

Keep in mind that when we talk about professional intervention here, we are not referring to things such as fillings, we are looking at the monitoring of the cleanliness of the teeth and gums, as well as the application of any cleaning techniques where needed. By monitoring your oral health and hygiene, through regular dental check-ups, we can give early intervention where needed, minimising any dental conditions as well as keeping your breath fresh.

Some underlying causes of breath issues

Illness is one of the well-known causes of bad breath, as when we get infections in the throat, nose, or ears this will cause a build-up of bacteria. These bacteria, if left untreated, can cause problems with our breath. We should also remember that issues with the teeth or gum disease may also cause a build-up of bacteria.

Eating strong odorous foods such as onions, garlic or some curries may also cause issues with someone’s breath, avoiding these foods may help. Alcohol and coffee can also be a cause of unpleasant breath.

Smoking is also known to produce pungent breath, heavy smokers may want to consider cutting down on the amount they smoke or giving up smoking completely.

The dental hygienist role

In some cases, our dentist may recommend that a patient sees a dental hygienist to have their teeth professionally cleaned, with specialised equipment and pastes. The hygienist may also be able to recommend techniques that can help you to enhance your oral hygiene routine.

Take positive action

If you are looking to find out more about the ways we can help you look after your issues with oral health and bad breath Berkshire, please contact the practice. Our reception staff can help you register with the practice and book you an appointment with a consultant who can assess your dental health needs.

We are a well-established family practice and proud of the service that we offer our patients.