Improve Your Dental Hygiene in Berkshire at Old Windsor Dental Practice

In our commitment to prioritising oral health, we invite you to experience our exceptional dental hygiene Berkshire. We believe that a vibrant, healthy smile is a cornerstone of overall wellness, and we are proud to be your partners in this journey. Our team of experienced dental professionals offers bespoke oral hygiene regimes, designed to cater to your unique needs. We’re not just about quick fixes; we advocate for preventative dental care, ensuring that your smile remains radiant for as long as possible. When it comes to oral hygiene in Berkshire, we are second to none, and our loyal patients can attest to this. If you’re ready to take the first step towards better oral health, we at Old Windsor are more than prepared to guide you every step of the way.

The Importance of Regular Oral Hygiene


At Old Windsor, we believe that regular oral hygiene is paramount to maintaining a healthy mouth and a dazzling smile. The benefits are plentiful: it aids in warding off tooth decay, preventing gum disease, and even keeping bad breath at bay. Moreover, regular oral hygiene can help identify potential issues early on, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. However, while daily brushing and flossing at home are crucial, they’re not enough to remove the hardened plaque or tartar that can build up over time. That’s where our professional oral hygienists come in, using specialised tools and techniques to give your teeth a thorough clean. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Stay ahead of oral health problems with our committed dental hygiene Berkshire.

Signs You Need a Dental Hygienist Visit

Knowing when to seek professional help is crucial. There are several signs that suggest you might need a visit to our hygienist at Old Windsor. Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth can indicate gum disease. If you see blood when brushing or flossing, it may be a sign of gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease. Yellow or brown deposits on the tooth surfaces, particularly near the gum line, are a strong indication of tartar build-up. Lastly, if you are experiencing sensitivity to hot, cold, or sugary foods and drinks, it could mean you have exposed tooth roots due to gum recession. If you notice any of these signs, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with us. We’re here to help you maintain optimal dental hygiene Berkshire, starting with a comprehensive examination and professional cleaning.

Our Expert Hygiene Services at Old Windsor

In our pursuit of excellence in dental care, we offer a variety of hygiene services tailored to your needs. From regular cleanings and scaling to advanced periodontal treatments, we’ve got you covered. Our hygienists use ultrasonic scaling for efficient plaque and tartar removal. We also offer Air-Flow therapy, a cutting-edge treatment that uses a combination of air, sodium bicarbonate or glycine powder and a gentle jet stream of water to efficiently clean your teeth and gums. For those with sensitive teeth, we provide treatments to reduce sensitivity and discomfort. At Old Windsor, we take pride in our personalised approach, ensuring that you leave our practice with a cleaner, healthier smile. Trust us for your oral hygiene needs in Berkshire, and see the difference that our expert care can make.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene After Your Visit

After your visit at Old Windsor, maintaining those high standards of oral hygiene in Berkshire is essential. We provide personalised home-care plans to ensure your oral health stays optimal between visits. Regular brushing and flossing, coupled with the use of mouthwash, can keep plaque at bay. We also recommend a balanced diet, low in sugar, to protect your teeth from decay. Consider using an electric toothbrush for a more efficient clean and remember to replace your toothbrush every three months. We also advise quitting smoking, as it can lead to gum disease and tooth loss. Regular check-ups and professional cleanings are important components of your oral hygiene routine. At Old Windsor, we’re with you every step of the way on your journey to a healthier, brighter smile.