How to take care of your dental implants in Windsor

Taking good care of your dental implants is important for their long-term success and longevity. Dental implants are an oral health investment and need to be properly cared for in order to last for years to come.

Dental Implants in WindsorAt The Old Windsor Dental Practice, we advise our patients to care for their dental implants in Windsor as they care for their natural teeth. Dental implants do not require special care, however, in some cases we may recommend special tools to ensure that all build-up is removed safely from in-between them. We also urge our patients to schedule frequent dental cleanings to ensure that diseases are not developed around their dental implants.

The risk of peri-implantitis

Just as gum disease affects the ligaments around your natural teeth, peri-implantitis affects the ligaments around your dental implants. The gum tissue around your dental implants is very sensitive and harmful bacteria can easily cause inflammation if you don’t take proper and thorough care of your teeth. Good oral hygiene is really important to reduce the risk of developing peri-implantitis.

Important steps to maintain your dental implants in Windsor

Visiting your dentist for check-ups and cleanings is just as important. You and your dentist will decide how often these visits should take place, but they should happen more often than twice a year. At these visits, your implants, teeth, and gums will be thoroughly checked your dentist, who will also look at the areas in your mouth you cannot reach at home. Your dentist will also use special tools to clean your dental implants thoroughly and remove plaque.

Taking care of your dental implants shouldn’t be complicated

Caring for your dental implants in Windsor is as simple as caring for your natural teeth – simply brush, floss and maintain regular appointments with your dentist. Healthy and well-cared-for dental implants in Windsor have the potential to last for many years.

Want to learn more about proper implant maintenance? If you are not certain about the location of your dental implants in your mouth, simply ask your dentist for a detailed guide. Meanwhile, pay extra attention to your oral care at home and don’t neglect your scheduled dental visits.