Could general dentistry in Berkshire get your smile back in shape?

Back in actiongeneral-dentistry-in-berkshire

Here at Old Windsor, our practitioners and staff members are overjoyed to be back in action and doing what we do better than anything: using general dentistry Berkshire to restore patients’ smiles to full health. The past few years have been difficult for many in terms of getting regular dental care to make sure their teeth are as healthy as they can be. Here at Old Windsor, we understand and empathise with the situation that many people have been placed in and want all our patients to know that they can now visit our practice for all the general dentistry treatments they may need.

What are general dentistry treatments?

Although cosmetic dental treatments may have grown steadily in their popularity over recent years, the good that general dentistry Berkshire can bring to ensuring your smile is healthy and clean is something that should not be overlooked.

There are several forms of general dentistry that we regularly provide to our patients, which include treatments for jaw problems, pregnant women, snoring, extractions, oral surgery, emergencies and root canals.

Because there are multiple options when it comes to general dentistry Berkshire, the best way to determine which treatments are suited to what you need is to come to our practice for an initial dental examination and consultation. During this appointment, we can assess your dental health and determine which treatments are best suited to your needs before creating a customised treatment plan and schedule.

What is root canal therapy?

One general dentistry treatment that we provide to our patients at Old Windsor is root canal therapy, which is also known as endodontics. This is a procedure that is required when the pulp within the canals (roots inside your tooth) becomes infected and needs to be removed after being damaged, either through injury or decay.

When you have infected pulp within your tooth, it can be severely uncomfortable, tender and painful. If this happens, you may require root canal therapy at our clinic, otherwise, the problem may worsen, the infection may spread, and you may lose the tooth.

What happens during root canal therapy?

If you are visiting our practice for root canal therapy, it can seem somewhat daunting if you don’t know what to expect, so we will disperse some of this anxiety by briefly explaining what the process entails. The first thing that will happen is a localised anaesthetic will be administered around the affected tooth so that you will not experience any discomfort or pain during the treatment.

Following this, a hole will be drilled into the affected tooth in preparation for removing the infected pulp, and right after this, an endodontic file will be used to extract all of the infected pulp within the canals of the tooth. Once this pulp has been removed, our dentist will then re-fill the tooth with a permanent filling called gutta-percha before adding a new filling and crown to completely restore the damaged tooth.