Choose dental implants in Windsor for a lifetime of smiles

The permanent solutiondental-implants-windsor

Here, at our practice, we know the pressures and difficulties which having single or multiple missing teeth can bring to patients of all ages. When you lose a tooth it can present far more problems than you may imagine for your oral health, as well as forcing you to deal with the negative cosmetic implications of having a visible gap in your smile. Thankfully, by getting dental implants Windsor from our trusted and reputable orthodontic practitioners we can fully restore your smile both on an aesthetic level and with regard to functionality, allowing you to chew, speak and smile with confidence on a permanent basis.

Historically when a tooth has been lost or damaged beyond repair the only options for treatment were dentures, bridges or crowns – each of which, while being somewhat effective, are non-permanent solutions. Nowadays, due to the huge advancements in modern dental science and technologies, we can effectively create an entirely new tooth that will both feel and perform as if it were natural.

Why get dental implants Windsor?

Adult teeth are meant to last a lifetime, but we recognise that while teeth may be strong and durable, accidents and dental damage does occasionally happen and teeth can be lost – either through neglect, decay, or dental trauma. Should this happen it is imperative that you get treatment such as dental implants Windsor as quickly as possible.

Part of the reason why time is such a crucial factor when treating tooth loss is because of the effects that having an unwanted space in your mouth can bring should the gap remain unfilled for a prolonged period of time. One such issue is a decrease in facial bone density – which can leave your face looking more hollow and aged than before.

Another issue faced by those who have untreated gaps in their mouths, which can get progressively worse, is a loss in the ability to speak properly which can not only be embarrassing, but can also damage your self-esteem and social life. Getting dental implants is the only sure way that you can entirely restore the structural functionality and aesthetics of your smile, and at Old Windsor, we are certified providers and have helped countless patients regain their confidence, self-esteem and smiles through our dental implant services.

How do implants work?

The reason why dental implants are the best option for lost teeth on a permanent basis, is that they are embedded inside your jawbone in a way that is very similar to how a natural tooth is fixed. By replicating the way in which an original tooth is attached, the dental implant will not only look exactly the same as your remaining teeth, but will also feel comfortable and natural within your mouth.

In order for the dental implants we provide to be permanently attached we must carry out a small dental surgery whereby a hole is made into your gum and a titanium-alloy tooth socket is placed in it. This socket is then left to naturally bond itself with your bone tissue, and once this has happened it can be used as a fixed anchor point to which a prosthesis can be attached. If you have one or more lost teeth and would like to discover if implants could help get your smile back, then call or email our practice today and book an initial consultation with our implant expert.