All you need to know about dental implants for missing teeth

Do you have any missing teeth Berkshire? If you do, you’re in the right place! There are many reasons why you might be missing one or more teeth, but here at Old Windsor, we don’t care! It is our goal to have you back to your happy, confident and smiling self with a quick and straightforward treatment. Missing teeth Berkshire can have more impact than you might believe, from having to change your diet in order to eat comfortably to smiling less and feeling self-conscious. It’s time to get your confidence back, don’t you think? We do! missing-teeth-berkshire

Reasons for missing teeth

As previously mentioned, there are a variety of reasons that you might be missing teeth Berkshire. If you’ve suffered from an injury or trauma, then your teeth might be falling out for that reason, especially if the impact of the injury was around your mouth and face area. Then, of course, there are other dental reasons that could result in losing teeth. If you suffer from gum disease, for example, your gums may become inflamed and unstable for the roots of your teeth, resulting in them falling out. If you’ve had a cavity in the past that has resulted in the removal of teeth, then implants are just as available to you as they are to everyone else! Alongside periodontal disease, you may have other illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension that could cause your teeth to fall out.

Dental implant process

One of the treatments offered for those who have lost their teeth is dental implantation. These implants are titanium screws that are installed into your gums, with the artificial teeth placed on top. Of course, there are a few more steps in between that complete the whole process.

We will always offer you an initial appointment and consultation so that we can take a look at your mouth, gums and remaining teeth to make sure that dental implants are the best option for you. During this time, we encourage you to ask any questions you may think of. If you can’t think of any, you don’t have to worry. We’ll make sure to provide you with all the information and knowledge that you need before deciding to go forward with the treatment. It is important to us that you feel safe in our hands before committing to us!


The biggest benefit to receiving dental implants is that they’re made to look exactly like your remaining, surrounding teeth. Under the uninformed eye, nobody will even know that they’re implants and not your real teeth! You can continue on with your life without worrying that anyone will judge you due to your lost teeth, or the fact you have had artificial ones installed.

To build on this, implants and their crowns are made to act exactly like your real teeth. You don’t have to worry about changing your diet or that they might fall out at the most inconvenient time. It is important, however, to take care of your artificial teeth just as well as you would your real ones!

Your implants will immediately start to stimulate new tissue growth in the areas that would have previously been losing some. They will completely fuse with your jaw, also stimulating new bone growth and offering the support you might have lost with your teeth!

All the functions that healthy teeth provide will be completely restored once your implants are installed. Your speech will immediately sound clearer and you will be able to eat without fear of pain or getting food stuck in the gaps.