7 Questions to ask your dentist at your next check-up about dental implants

At Old Windsor Dental Practice, we understand the importance of Dental implants in Windsor in restoring your smile and oral health. That’s why we offer comprehensive dental implant services to our patients. If you’re considering tooth implants, here are seven important questions you should ask your dentist at your next check-up. dental-implants-in-windsor

1. Are tooth implants a suitable option for me?

Not everyone is suitable for tooth implants. However, thanks to advancements in dental technology, tooth implants are now a viable option for most patients with missing teeth. During your check-up at Old Windsor Dental Practice, our team of experienced dentists will assess your oral health to determine if tooth implants are the right choice for you. We will evaluate factors such as the condition of your jawbone and gums to ensure that you’re a suitable candidate.

2. How do tooth implants work?

Dental implantations are titanium posts that are surgically placed into your jawbone to replace the root of a missing tooth. Once the implant is securely placed, a natural-looking crown is attached to restore the appearance and functionality of the tooth. During your check-up at Old Windsor Dental Practice, our dental professionals will explain the process in detail, addressing any concerns or questions you may have.

3. What are the benefits of tooth implants?

Dental implantations offer numerous benefits that make them the preferred option for replacing missing teeth. They provide a permanent and stable solution, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Unlike other tooth replacement options, such as dentures, Dental implants in Windsor do not require any special care or adhesives. They are also designed to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, giving you a beautiful and natural-looking smile.

4. What is the success rate of tooth implants?

The success rate of tooth implants is incredibly high, making them a reliable and durable tooth replacement option. Research shows that tooth implants have a success rate of over 95% when properly placed and maintained. At Old Windsor Dental Practice, we have a team of skilled dentists who specialise in dental implant procedures. Rest assured, we use advanced techniques and technology to ensure the success of your dental implant treatment.

5. How long do tooth implants last?

Dental implantations are intended to be a long-term fix for missing teeth. With proper care they can last your whole life. It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene and attend regular check-ups at Old Windsor Dental Practice to ensure the longevity of your tooth implants. Our dental professionals will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your tooth implants, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental cleanings.

6. What is the recovery process like?

The recovery time following dental implant surgery varies from person to person. While some individuals may experience minor discomfort and swelling, others may have a smoother recovery. At Old Windsor Dental Practice, we will guide you through each step of the process and provide you with tips to minimise any potential discomfort. Regular check-ups will be booked in to make sure everything is going to plan.

7. How much do tooth implants cost?

The cost of Dental implants in Windsor can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case and the number of implants needed. During your check-up at Old Windsor Dental Practice, our team will provide you with a personalised treatment plan, including a detailed breakdown of the cost. We also offer flexible payment options to help make tooth implants more affordable for our patients.

Don’t hesitate to ask these questions at your next check-up to learn more about tooth implants and determine if they are the right option for you. At Old Windsor Dental Practice, we are committed to providing our patients with exceptional dental care, including dental implant services. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards restoring your smile and oral health.